Gratuity 小費 ✨


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Tipping is a common way for customers in the service industry to express gratitude to service personnel, involving additional payment beyond fixed wages. In Cantonese-speaking regions, it is also referred to as "tea money." All orders will be shipped in the sequence of the order date. As modding the bodies takes quite an amount of time, if you wish to expedite shipping, you may offer a tip to enhance the speed. There is no limit for tipping. Sometimes you will be able to cut the queue 😉 小費是服務行業中顧客表達對服務人員感激之道,涉及超出固定工資的額外支付。在粵語地區,它也被稱為「茶錢」。 所有訂單將按照下單日期的順序進行出貨。由於改造車體需要相當多的時間,如果您希望加快發貨速度,可以提供小費以加快速度發貨。 給小費的金額沒有上限。 有時,您甚至可以越過排隊的限制 😉

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